আজকের বিষয় Microbiology..।কিছু কনফিউজিং টপিকগুলো চোখ বুলিয়ে নিই
ফজলে্ রহমান জিয়াGram Positive Bacteria:
Bacilli--Cornebacterium species,Bacillus species,Clostridium species
Gram Negative Bacteria:
*Cocci--Neisseria species
*Bacilli--E.coli, proteus,pseudomonas,salmonella ,shigella species,camphylobactor ,helicobactor
Spore-Forming Bacteria:
Non-motile Gram-Positive Rods:
*Corynebacterium diphtheriae
*Clostridium perfringens (rest of the pathogenic Clostridia are motile)
*Bacillus anthracis (most other Bacillus species are motile)
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Acid Fast Organisms:
*Nocardia (partially acid fast)
*Cryptosporidium oocysts
*Isospora oocysts
Bacteria and Fungi That Characteristically Have Capsules:
easy way to memorise:Some Killers Have Pretty
Nice Capsules!
*Streptococcus pneumoniae
*Klebsiella pneumoniae
*Haemophilus influenzae
*Pseudomonas aeruginosa
*Neisseria meningitidis
*Cryptococcus neoformans
*Bordetella pertussis
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Unique Morphology/Staining:
*Metachromatic staining—Corynebacterium
*Lancet-shaped diplococci—Pneumococcus
*Kidney bean-shaped diplococci—Neisseriae
*Bipolar staining—Yersinia pestis
*Gulls wings—Campylobacter
Heat stable toxins:
• Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin
• ST toxin of E. coli
• Yersinia enterocolitica toxin
• Endotoxin
Pigment Production:
*Pseudomonas aeruginosa (blue-green)—pyocyanin, fluorescein
*Serratia—red pigment
*Staphylococcus aureus—yellow pigment
*Photochromogenic and scotochromogenic Mycobacteria—Carotenoid pigments
(yellow and orange)
*Corynebacterium diphtheriae—black to gray
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Zoonotic Organisms:
(Diseases of animals transmissible to humans)
*Bacillus anthracis
*Salmonella enterica all subspecies except typhi
Source:Kaplan Microbiology
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